Deeper Journeys for Trauma Healing

Intensive EMDR Therapy. So You Can Feel Better, Quickly

Sometimes you just need help — and a lot of it — right now, and 45-minutes of therapy once a week doesn’t feel intensive enough. You’re looking for a deeper understanding of your circumstance.

Perhaps you’re crunched on time, with a busy schedule and thousands of demands pulling you every which way. Or you’re already working with a therapist weekly, and want to use EMDR as a brief adjunct to accelerate that work.

Let’s embark on a focused journey designed to help you feel better, fast.

Similar to a retreat, EMDR Intensives are longer-form therapy sessions that offer deeper work than can be achieved with traditional weekly sessions. They provide you with a larger chunk of time (three hours of face-to-face processing with the therapist, in one sitting) occurring over multiple days over a few weeks.

  • PTSD and Complex trauma (CPTSD)

  • Flashbacks from life-threatening events (accidents)

  • Survivors of sexual violence and other crimes

  • Trauma, abuse from childhood

  • Relationship and attachment wounds

  • Medical trauma

  • Panic attacks, anxiety

  • Choice points in life

  • Career, life goals

Devoted time for healing

Get to the Root of the Problem

Complex PTSD

Relationships are more than difficult. It’s hard to keep a job, stay connected with friends, sometimes there’s alcoholism or other hard coping skills you’ve found that keep the anguish at bay. This is the legacy of complex PTSD. Multiple traumas, a history of being abused in childhood, an unforgiving parent, feelings of shame and “I’ve never been good enough anyway.” EMDR can help rewire these thoughts so that you can finally be free from the past nightmares you never asked for in the first place. You deserve better.

Single Incidents of Trauma

Do you experience flashbacks? Always on-edge, panic attacks that come out of nowhere have become your day-to-day. Depression makes it even worse. These are common symptoms from exposure to life-threatening events such as rape, sexual assault, and other forms of interpersonal violence and crime.

Car accidents, loss of a home, the sudden loss of a job are also overwhelming and threatening events, and these, too, can be swiftly resolved with EMDR.

Medical Trauma

Shaken to your core, life-threatening events make it hard to find footing. You wonder, “How can I find my way back to me again?” Let’s figure this out so you can lay down the past, start living for today and finally look forward to tomorrow.

Panic Attacks, Anxiety

Catching your breath is impossible just thinking about an airport, or walking into a big store, or any number of fears spiking your anxiety. Panic attacks don’t have to run your life. Overcome phobias and their accompanying anxiety.

Career Goals, Life Goals

Bust through roadblocks standing in the way of you taking your career to the next level. Overcome that fear of speaking once and for all. Find out what’s blocking your confidence. Fear, limiting beliefs…let’s dig below the surface and find the answer to, “But what if I could?”

Choice Points in Life

Navigating a tough decision? You’re leaning one way but your gut is screaming something different. Typically, we hold lessons from the past in memory, and they’re trying to guide us one way or another. Explore what’s keeping you from saying, “Yes!” or…just as critical, why you’re protecting yourself with a “Let’s wait on that.”

Feeling stuck in past trauma, and you’re sick of it running your life

Blocked in your current healing process

No time for weekly, ongoing sessions

Need to get to the bottom of something, fast